Camping: It’s Never Too Early to Start Booking

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As January turns to February, camping may be the last thing on your mind. Or, maybe, you’re like me, and you’re counting down the days until you can get out there again.  If you want to do any camping this year, now is the time to start making plans and reservations. 

Every year, more and more people catch the camping bug and purchase a tent or RV. Campgrounds are more crowded than ever, and it’s getting more challenging to book campsites – especially if you have a larger RV or travel with your pets. I would recommend taking some time in the upcoming weeks to get some trips booked in advance. 

Some trips you should book now:

Holiday weekends

Many campgrounds book for Memorial Day and Labor Day a year in advance. As campers check out after the long weekend, they often book their site for the following year. They might not even know if they are coming back, but they are willing to risk the cancellation fee just to hold their spot. If you plan to get away for those three-day weekends, you should start calling around and looking online. If you have a specific campground in mind and find they are already booked full, go ahead and add your name to a waiting list. Chances are, some of the campers that booked well in advance will have a change of plans, and a site will open up for you.

Long stays

If you are planning to RV for a week-long vacation, book it now. Especially if you are planning to go somewhere touristy, you want to make sure you have options. Week-long vacations tend to encompass two weekends. If you wait until the last minute, you will probably still get a site, but you may have to move your camper at some point during the week to accommodate people booked for the weekend.

Beach trips

Beach campgrounds fill up rather quickly- especially those with a waterfront view. If you want to sit by your camper and watch the waves roll in, make the call now.

Amusement Park Campgrounds

Many amusement parks have their own campgrounds and those that don’t usually have private campgrounds nearby. Camping is often a cheaper alternative to staying in the nearby hotels during peak season, so campgrounds fill up quickly. If you are planning a weekend getaway to a large amusement park, start looking into campgrounds now.

Whatever your camping plans for the upcoming season, it never hurts to book a few in advance. For many people, waiting until the last minute means a whole season goes by, and they never get around to booking a trip. If you get a few reservations on your calendar now, at least you know you have some camping to look forward to during these dreary winter months!